To NaNoWriMo or to not NaNoWriMo
That is the question... Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous word count expectations Or to take my pen against a sea of manuscript pages And by opposing NaNoWriMo edit them. Okay, seriously. I have one manuscript that is in the second draft/revisions/editing stage. It doesn’t even have 50,000 words at the moment. Not even 48,000 words. It is, however, the longest manuscript that I have written and it took combining a planned trilogy to get it that long. Book one was about 30,000 words and books 2 and 3 a combined 17,000+. I started Keeping Secrets in 2009... What does this mean? I'm not a 40,000+ writer. I hate adding in additional action just to further a plot and add fluff just to pad a word count. Not everyone can be novel writers. I'm not. I'm a short story and novella writer. That also means very few of my books will be more that $4.99 an ebook. (Print versions via c...