Book Review - Adorkable - Cookie O'Gorman

Something about this book caught my attention. The adorable cover? The unique title? The book blurb? All three. The trio promises a quirky ride through one senior's brain. Sally Spitz (unfortunate name that) is unlucky enough to have a boy crazy best friend determined to help her find Mr. or - in the opening set up's case - Ms. Right. It doesn't help that her own mother is willing to help out Hooker (poor best friend with another unfortunate last name). This didn’t actually make sense to me. We learn early on that Sally's mother divorced Sally's father because he was cheating on her. Would she be so willing to set up her daughter repeatedly while the girl is in high school? I doubt it. It's more likely she'd be content to let her daughter not date or find her own boyfriends. Especially since she hasn't moved on and started dating again herself... Maybe if Sally was 30-years old... But th...