Book Review - Finding Beauty in the Beast - Jessilyn Stewart Peaslee

Previously I reviewed/recommended Peaslee's Ella - a retelling of Cinderella. In a related tale - Will and Ella make a reappearance - Corbin Black finds himself attending the Prince Kenton's ball instead of marrying his fiance, Francine. Princess Rose finds herself bitter and disappointed that Prince Kenton has decided to marry a commoner. While Francine doesn't get picked by the prince, she does disappoint Corbin by agreeing to meet the prince instead of saying that she was engaged. In a moment of dispair Corbin packs up all of his tools and leaves his adoptive country for the one of his birth - Princess Rose's country... Once he's arrived he's informed that the Princess - nicknamed The Beast - has decided she'll marry a commoner and that all eligible men are required to give her a gift. She'll marry the man who offers her the best one... So... this book took me several days to read. Not because of anything the writer did, but something I ...