
Sometimes it is really difficult to write about what I'm doing. 

I have been subbing mostly and working on my Etsy shop.  There is a craft show in a few weeks and I'm working on getting my inventory organized and updated.  It sounds easier than I really is. 

I've been working on social media.  Again, easier said than done. 

I recently "finished" Half-Moon Manor.  By that I mean that it is in the editing stages and should be up and running in the Kindle and CreateSpace stores shortly.  It is not as long as The Bookworm Next Door, but I'm a firm believer that writing words to add to word counts does not always make for a better book.  I would rather put together short stories to share about other events in that story's universe and put them together into a collection piece than randomly insert them into a story where they may or may not fit. 

The Steampunk/Fantasy piece is in the works.  More of the flesh out the plot stages than anything else.  Same with Into the Enchanted Forest (fantasy/fairy tale/story mesh) and Just Between You and Me (Romance).

That last one has me wondering if I should continue on with my current pen name (I have a slight following on Twitter from other authors as we help promote each other) or create one solely for non-young adult.  I don't think I will though.  There is too much overlap and I have trouble enough with my personal, shop, and writing social media accounts. 

On a side note, my dad asked me about my sales. 

43 e-books sold since publication in July.  Technically 44, but somebody asked for a refund.  Maybe they did not like the language used or they saw too much in themselves in the character of Amy or Kelly.

46,878 pages, so far, read through Kindle Unlimited since July.  That number makes me smile.

1 physical copy bought.  Sorry for the typos.  I'm working on that.

I've even had the dreaded 1-star review on Goodreads.  A 4-star review on Goodreads and Amazon (that made me grin; thank you reviewer), and several 3 and 4 stars.  


Thank You dear readers 



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