Hallmark Movie - Unleashing Mr. Darcy

Cheesy right?  

But it's a lovely way to pass a weekend.
For weeks I've had Unleashing Mr. Darcy on my DVR.  Mostly because it has Ryan Paevey and is based, if loosely, on Pride and Prejudice.

Paevey is a joy to watch on General Hospital.  And to look at. Yum.

Guess my surprise when the opening credits revealed that the movie was based on a book!  Naturally this bookworm looked it up.

Unleashing Mr. Darcy by Teri Wilson.   There were several other retolds by her as well, but this book is going to be wedged between finishing Agent of the Crown (McShane) and a Hunger Games fanfiction. 

But this isn't about the book.  It's about the Hallmark movie.

Starting out I liked Elizabeth "Liz/Lizzie" Scott.  She was a teacher. She had morals. She had standards.

And then she met Mr. Donavan Darcy.  

I couldn't figure out exactly she was rude to him during most of their meetings.  While her life was falling apart, with direct corelations to significant events happening in her life, she was inexcusably rude to Darcy. 

But he liked her anyway.  *Cue sigh*

No, it's not exactly like P&P but with enough significant details that you can notice the original inspiration.  

Could it have been better? Yes.  I think that it experienced part of the problems movies have of having to be x amount of minutes. Especially movies based on books.   I'll have to read the book first to know.

Was it worth the 2 hours including commercials? For me,  yes.  

And not just for Paevey emerging from a swimming pool or his gorgeous eyes. Too bad he didn't speak any French in this movie.

Watch it. DVR it. Allow your hopeless romantic hearts to flutter.  

And watch out for Part 2 - When I read and review the book.

Back to my reading list while I wait for my writer's block to pass.



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