Creating Promos

I spent way too much time today creating promos that would fit well on Twitter. 

I had been using the book covers, but it's occurred to me that those aren't the right shape for Twitter.  I know.  I know.  Social media is something I'm still getting used to, years later.  It changes.  It becomes confusing.  There's already so many things I'm having to adapt to...

Familial issues.
Etsy issues.
Scheduling my time issues.

All I'd really like to do is sit down and read a book.  I have to save that for when I'm at the gym on the treadmill.

Kindle - setting font size 3.  Although I have trouble 'turning' the pages on the treadmill.  Not so much on the elliptical.  Lately I've taken to carrying the huge Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 5 book omnibus edition around.  Oh the looks I'll get at the gym.

However last night and today (during Mom's cardiac rehab) I took the time to design some promos that would fit almost perfectly on Twitter's feed.

Last Night I was interrupted by hail hitting the house.  It's a bit difficult to recover your focus when hail larger than golf balls are pounding against the roof.

However... I have three out of five completed.  I'll work on Bookworm and Half-Moon Manor tomorrow.  Later I'll post all of the promos on the main page (the headers across the top of the blog).  Maybe I can make them shareable...  Hmmm.




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