Halfway Through NaNoWriMo 2017
Every day that I pull out my notebook or laptop I don't plan what goes down on the paper. I don't know quite where my characters want to lead me yet.
Sometimes it's a matter of going back and seeing, 'Oh, I'm missing this...' or 'I need to add a scene to link these chapters together.
Sometimes the plot bunnies invade and I have to write a scene for a part of the story not yet started.
But every day I hit my NaNoWriMo daily goal, or personal goal, or even get words down on the page, is one more day I can feel good about working on this rough draft.
Today I reached the halfway mark - 25,000 words. I have more words to add. I have more story to develop. I have more ideas, plot bunnies, and writing prompts to work with.
And then, once this rough draft is finished, I'll introduce this new story to my beloved readers (and the world).
Then the real work begins. Editing and polishing and titling and all that.
Stay tuned.
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