The Entwined Tales - A Little Mermaid - Aya Ling

I am nearing the end of this Special Edition blog post series.

A Little Mermaid (Aya Ling) is the fifth and second to the last book in the Entwined Tales series.  (The last comes out today.)

Whereas the other tales focused on the female members of the Woodcutter family, this tale features a mermaid named Clio and a Prince named Lukas.

Wait... you dear puzzled reader might be asking.  Where's Mortimer?  We just had Elisette's story, what about Martin? Or Annelise? Or Penny?  There's only two books left and three Woodcutter's children left?

I'll get to some of these answers.  Promise.

Clio is the youngest mermaid and loves to dance.  When she meets Lucanus - after she found herself tangled in kelp while practicing dancing - she falls tail over head for the older merprince.  To the point she can barely speak to him!

Years later he returns and her tongue-tied mouth keeps her from getting his attention while her older sisters chase after him.

Later that night, they all go see the fireworks for Prince Lucas - the Caladonian Prince - when Clio chases after her slightly older sister, Nerissa.  Nerissa is the human-obsessed mermaid, not Clio.  But when the human prince falls overboard it is Clio that rescues him.

Later, while Mortimer the Fairy Godfather is visiting the merpeople, Clio asks him for help.  Stumbling through her request, Mortimer mistakens her stuttering reply of Lucanus for Lucas.  So when he gives her a potion to help her, Clio finds herself with legs!

I adore Ling's characterization of Clio.  She is open and expressive, even while mute.  It is easy to see why Lucas is interested in her.

So which Woodcutter sibling is in this story?  Martin has earned his place as Prince Lucas' bodyguard.  We also get a little catch up with Sophie, Eva, and Ellie!  And we get a preview of the trouble Annelise finds herself in. 

Very nicely done - 5 stars

Happy Reading!



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